
Working with people at all levels in all types of organizations, I have come to realize that we each lead so differently. What is important to one person is of no consequence to another. One leader may value getting to know their team members more intimately, while another focuses mostly on connecting in the workplace. Some leaders look forward to holding weekly meetings while others prefer more one-on-one sessions. What is worthwhile for each leader is to reflect and decide how he or she wants to design their leadership. We need to decide what is important to building our leadership structure.

[Tweet “Leaders need to build their leadership model that reflects their beliefs and values.”]  

Here are four essential logs to building your leadership structure:


What is most important to you that drives your every decision and choice? What do you believe and value that is at the core of how you lead and live your life? Step back and really think about the 5 leadership qualities that reflect how you want to lead and be seen as a leader. Write down your qualities and see how they emerge in your leadership. Keep them close by and look at them periodically as they will be a great guide for you in whatever you tackle.


Where do you see your career or business moving in the next year? What do you want your leadership to look like as you advance along your journey? It is essential to make sure we have the knowledge and skills to continue on the leadership path we want to take. If we need to learn or grow ourselves in particular niche areas, then find out where to get that information. Books, social media, certification programs or other leaders may be perfect resources. Make sure the direction you choose is where you want to go, not where someone else wants you to go. 


We need to surround ourselves with people who value our leadership as well as understand our quirks. We should never spend time with others who drain our energy and cannot see our worth. When building our leadership model, we need to reach out to other leaders who fascinate us and may be open to mentoring us. I know how difficult it may be to ask for help yet I find that nurturing people are usually thrilled to lend a hand in sharing their skills. 

[Tweet “Authentic leaders surround themselves with people who understand them.”]


How do you think you are presenting yourself when connecting with other people? Do you find team members hear what you are saying in a clear way and understand the meaning of your messages? Choosing non-judgmental language and being specific is a great way to build rapport with others. Try deleting the word “but” from your communication and replace it with the word “and”. It is more inclusive and may actually open up the conversation to exchange more perspectives.

How would you build your leadership model? What would be included in your foundation, vision, people and communication logs? 


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