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I have met extraordinary leaders this year who have taught me so much and helped me see a vast array of different perspectives. I am so grateful to all of you who generously shared my posts, commented in my community and opened yourself up to being an authentic leader. I didn’t want this holiday season to go by without expressing my deep gratitude for your openness, your willingness to participate in difficult dialogues and your kindness in communicating your powerful lessons.

TTreat the world to your leadership stories

HHonesty is the first rung on the leadership ladder

A– Authentic leadership means showing your vulnerable side

N– Never stop learning and growing

K– Know that you are loved and admired 


Y– You are a strong and talented leader

O– Open your mind and heart to lead with courage

U– Understand and embrace your unique gifts


As we begin a new year together, I look forward to new ways we can grow with one another in both friendship and leadership.

[Tweet “Lead by empowering others to be the best they can be.”]

Happy Holidays and all good things in the coming year ahead!



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