pic for 2015 leadership bottle

Closing out the year gives us a great opportunity to reflect on the good, the bad and the ugly of how things went for our professional and personal lives. I always like to start with the good as it empowers me to feel a sense of accomplishment and growth.

Here are some of my Good:

  • Designed and presented Leadership programs that made a difference in leaders’ lives
  • Became a more consistent blogger as I committed to weekly writing
  • Spoke at several conferences, meeting more extraordinary leaders
  • Learned many new social media strategies
  • Best of all- met talented and devoted leaders through my social media interactions

Here are some of my Bad or Areas To Learn More:

  • Missed out on some incredible conferences
  • Would have liked to have met face to face with more of my online friends
  • Focused my workshop topics in areas I am well versed instead of some new possibilities.

Here are some of my Ugly or Missteps:

  • Read far less fiction than usual which has always been a great escape
  • Didn’t do enough marketing or reaching out to potential clients
  • Not enough time to travel and have adventures

Looking at all of my lists, I need to think of what I want to focus on in 2015 to turn the bad and the ugly into good so that I can replenish my leadership and fuel my soul.

[Tweet “To replenish our leadership we need to be honest how our year went.”]

So now it is time for each of you to think about your year- the good, the bad and the ugly. These questions might help you look within your leadership for honest introspection:

  1. What am I most proud of completing this year?
  2. What new things did I learn about myself and my leadership?
  3. Who did I connect with this year that positively impacted my career or personal life?
  4. Where or with whom did I make a difference?
  5. How did I disappoint myself or others?
  6. Who didn’t I get an opportunity to meet that would have been meaningful to me?
  7. What new thing did I want to learn that got away from me?
  8. What is the biggest mistake I made and can I reverse it?

Write out your responses to any of these questions and see where it takes you. Hopefully this can be a beginning of what you might want to focus on in 2015 to replenish your leadership and fuel your soul.

[Tweet “At year end, take stock of your accomplishments and missteps.”] 

How do you revisit your annual goals and challenges? What techniques help you focus for the coming year?



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