by Terri Klass | Feb 3, 2014 | Empowerment, Influential Leader, Leadership Brand, Leadership Development, leadership qualities
If I were to ask you to choose an adjective that describes the characteristics of your leadership, what would you say? Would you label yourself thorough, nurturing, honest or maybe bold? Would you choose the same word that your teammates would select to...
by Terri Klass | Jan 27, 2014 | Evaluating Leaders, Influential Leader, Leadership Brand, Leadership Development, leadership qualities, Team Building
When I go looking for a new car, I am always amazed at how many choices there are available. I am also surprised why people choose cars that seem so unappealing to me or ones, which would not complement the way I live and work. Since I am a trainer, I am always...
by Terri Klass | Jan 21, 2014 | Building Trust, Empowerment, Influential Leader, Leadership Development
We all are working so hard and with such focus that sometimes we forget about the people around us. Not that we don’t notice them, it’s just that we assume they will always be there, prepared and ready to contribute. We take for granted that our teams are committed to...
by Terri Klass | Jan 5, 2014 | Career Development, Empowerment, Influential Leader, Leadership Brand, Leadership Development
During the holiday break, I went to see an Off-Broadway show, “What’s It All About?” that was an updated version of all the popular (and old) Burt Bacharach songs. The stars of the show were rock band musicians and singers all in one, belting out re-imagined tracks of...
by Terri Klass | Dec 10, 2013 | Influential Leader, Leadership Brand, Leadership Development, Open-Minded
I have always wanted to have a weekend apartment in New York City- a city of pure adventure. But every time I would think about exploring that option, I would talk myself out of it. “It will be too much work to take care of two residences.” “I do not have the time to...
by Terri Klass | Nov 28, 2013 | Collaborative Leadership, Empowerment, Goal Setting, Influential Leader, Inspire
As I watched the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade this year, I couldn’t help but notice the marching band leaders. All primed in their colorful uniforms and looking very serious as they led their musicians forward, these leaders screamed- “Here we come!” Of course the...