by Terri Klass | Apr 7, 2014 | Communication, Empowerment, Influential Leader, Leadership Brand, Storytelling
Like you, my conversations sometimes get away from me. I wish I could have a do-over and tell another person what I truly wanted to express. We don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings or we don’t want to create conflict, so we just rattle off some words that end a...
by Terri Klass | Mar 31, 2014 | Core Values, Empowerment, Influential Leader, Leadership Development
I recently met a gifted leader in an organization I am working with. She possesses all the skills, knowledge and wisdom to lead her team to extraordinary heights. She is authentic and uses her core values and beliefs to guide all her decisions and actions. She doesn’t...
by Terri Klass | Mar 10, 2014 | Influential Leader, Leadership Brand, Leadership Development, leadership qualities, Open-Minded
I learn so much from the participants in my workshops and coaching sessions. They inspire me to try new things and be more open-minded. They share profound stories of both triumph and defeat as we work through ways to grow, be more accountable and be generous to...
by Terri Klass | Mar 3, 2014 | Empowerment, Influential Leader, Leadership Development, Storytelling
As with every impending snowstorm, I marched myself to the local food store this week, to stock up on all the items which I will never go through. Those of us who live in cold climates, witnessed this crazy, irrational routine many times this winter. We grab our...
by Terri Klass | Feb 17, 2014 | Communication, Influential Leader, Leadership Development, strategic listening
I was trying out a new restaurant that opened in our town this week. Everyone was raving about it so I was very excited to test it out for myself. After looking at the menu and figuring out which perfect entrée to choose, I ordered and sat back to take in the new...
by Terri Klass | Feb 10, 2014 | Building Trust, Influential Leader, Leadership Brand, Leadership Development, leadership qualities
Sunday night marked the 50th anniversary of The Beatles coming to the United States and performing on the Ed Sullivan Show. What an extraordinary group of young, enterprising men who changed music forever. They started out as just a band with four young men who loved...