by Terri Klass | Dec 1, 2014 | Core Values, Empowerment, Influential Leader, Leadership Brand, Leadership Development, leadership qualities
With Thanksgiving behind us, it is now time to talk turkey about where and how we are leading as the year is winding down. I’ve been working with a group of managers in a marketing firm for the past year, delving into what leadership means to each of their jobs and...
by Terri Klass | Nov 24, 2014 | Core Values, Generosity, Influential Leader, Leadership Development, leadership qualities, Open-Minded
Leadership can be lonely. That is the honest truth. Have you ever sat still long enough to look around to see and feel what was happening with the people and the activities in your personal and professional life? Sometimes we sense that decisions are being made...
by Terri Klass | Nov 17, 2014 | Building Trust, Collaborative Leadership, Influential Leader, Leadership Development, Team Building
If I were to ask you how many teams you are a member of, would you say more than one? Do you play on a sports team? Do you volunteer on a community team? Are you a participant in a bunch of teams at work? Teams are the way most organizations manage their projects...
by Terri Klass | Oct 27, 2014 | Customer Needs, Influential Leader, Leadership Brand, Leadership Development, strategic listening
I was in need of a new mattress, as my old one no longer had any life left. I wasn’t looking forward to going through the agonizing process of learning about the new ones on the market and then selecting a perfect one to last for many years. I knew intuitively that my...
by Terri Klass | Aug 18, 2014 | Building Trust, Generosity, Influential Leader, Inspire, Leadership Brand, Leadership Development, Team Building
In the NY Times this morning there was an article about how several small companies are using algorithms to market specific products like clothing, make-up and wines to different individuals. The concept is to make online shopping more customized for buyers based on...
by Terri Klass | Aug 4, 2014 | Building Trust, Empowerment, Influential Leader, Inspire, Leadership Development, Management Development, Manager as Coach, Teams
While presenting a program on Leadership this week, the idea of losing control with a team kept emerging. There was a real sense of inadequacy and being left in the dark if the managers didn’t stay on top of all the technical aspects of their team member’s jobs....