by Terri Klass | Jun 29, 2015 | Building Confidence, Career Development, Communication, Empowerment, Gifts and Strengths, Leadership Development
My undergraduate degree was in English and Secondary Education but the teaching market imploded when I was ready to start my career. I learned so much from my education mentors, especially during my student teaching phase. Most of all, I gained a sense of who I was...
by Terri Klass | Jun 22, 2015 | Core Values, Empowerment, Gifts and Strengths, Leadership Development, Teams
This past weekend was Father’s Day and a day that I often think about my father. A father-daughter relationship can be quite complicated but one that often sets the tone for a daughter’s perception of herself. As the years go by and my dad is no longer here to share...
by Terri Klass | Jun 2, 2015 | Building Trust, Empowerment, Influential Leader, Leadership Development, leadership qualities, Team Building
They all came to the conference with the possibility of learning about the new trends in the industry and seeing their colleagues. They were willing to sit through many sessions with an eye to bring back new ideas and lessons to each of the firms they lead. They were...
by Terri Klass | May 25, 2015 | Collaborative Leadership, Dealing With Crises, Empowerment, Leadership Development, Storytelling
This past weekend I visited the 911 Memorial Museum in lower Manhattan, NYC. Although I reside and work in the Metro-NYC area, I haven’t had a chance to see this precious site. I remember September 11th so vividly as do so many people in this part of the country. I...
by Terri Klass | Apr 30, 2015 | Building Confidence, Empowerment, Gifts and Strengths, Leadership Development
In this age of strengths-finders and skills- focused thinking, leaders can spend an enormous amount of time focusing on what experience and skills they lack rather than taking stock of their existing knowledge and strengths. This can lead to seeing others as more...
by Terri Klass | Apr 26, 2015 | Collaborative Leadership, Empowerment, Leadership Development, Management Development, Problem Solving, Teams
My leadership programs this week were vibrant with great fun, laughter, learning and connecting. The participants were eager to grab some new skills for their leadership toolbox while sharing their knowledge and experiences. As they worked on some of their department...