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Coaching Insights: Finding Your Leadership Purpose
It can be so frustrating for leaders to be in a position at work that they feel has no value or direction. How energizing would it be to identify what really matters to you in your leadership journey? Similar to how an organization needs to establish a compelling vision, so too do leaders need to formulate their north star.
Coaching Insights: Has Your Leadership Hit A “Blip” In The Road?
Imagine going along your career path for five or ten years and hitting many of your goals with gusto and high energy. Then something changed. You started to feel a shift in getting out of bed in the morning. Instead of looking forward to the day, you were sensing some uncertainty and discomfort. You hit a blip in the road.
Five Reasons To Add Playfulness To Your Leadership
Imagine what it might be like to add the element of playfulness to our leadership. How might we feel differently when interacting with others? What could the workplaces look like? What might change in the way leaders see themselves? What if being playful was the greatest of all superpowers?
Swing Into Your Best September Leadership
It’s that time of year again for leaders to rise up and declare their true intentions for the unofficial start of the new year. September is the gift we are granted to end the final quarter of 2023 how we choose. Yes, leaders get to decide the twists and turns of the last stretch of the year. No one but you has your insights and deep thoughts.