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What Is The Best Way For Leaders To Learn Their Business?

What Is The Best Way For Leaders To Learn Their Business?

My father was a salesman. He owned a small storm window and storm door business that he was very proud of. He worked very hard trying to grow his company as economic changes often dictated different conditions. He had an entrepreneurial spirit that never allowed him...

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You Don’t Have A Title? Lead With This

You Don’t Have A Title? Lead With This

Many of us spend much of our time working with people who possess high- ranking positional titles. These colleagues may be our bosses, our co-workers or even members of different departments. They seem to have control over how we run our jobs or at least we allow them...

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Seven Tips To Powerful Leadership Storytelling

Seven Tips To Powerful Leadership Storytelling

What type of leader do you want to be?  If someone were to ask you what your brand of leadership looks like, what would you say?  Have you thought about how you reached the point of leading that you are today? Sure we all want to make valuable contributions and feel...

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Five Ways Mentoring Grows Leaders

Five Ways Mentoring Grows Leaders

I recently shared with one of my daughters a critical realization about my career. I had learned the bulk of my skills and knowledge from a woman I worked for many years ago. She was an extraordinary boss and more importantly, a talented mentor. I had accepted a...

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