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Seven Strategies To Lead Through Disappointment

Seven Strategies To Lead Through Disappointment

We lost all gas coming into our house this week and that meant no heat and no hot water. After waiting eight hours for the gas company to arrive (we were not considered a priority as it wasn’t a leak), heat was restored but they were unable to get our hot water heater...

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How Will You Lead In 2017?

How Will You Lead In 2017?

As 2016 comes to a close, leaders have a great opportunity to map out their direction for the coming year. Some of us may want to continue along the same path and simply delve more deeply. Other leaders may decide to reorient themselves all together and reconfigure...

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Leading Without Comparing

Leading Without Comparing

One of the toughest challenges for leaders is not looking over their shoulders to see what everyone else is doing. There seem to be so many overachievers on our teams and in our work worlds who can respond more quickly or communicate more loudly than we will ever be...

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Can A Leader Be Too Soft?

Can A Leader Be Too Soft?

If an important part of leadership is building meaningful relationships with team members, collaborators and colleagues, is it possible to be too caring? Is it really best for leaders to show the people we connect with each day that their concerns aren’t valid? We...

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