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Dig Deep To Locate Your Leadership

Dig Deep To Locate Your Leadership

This past week I needed to replace my old gas lines with new pipes to connect with an updated system. Although going through the process was a bit uncomfortable, there really was no choice if I no longer wanted water in my gas line. To make this happen, the gas...

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Five Ways Leaders Shake Off Imposter Syndrome

Five Ways Leaders Shake Off Imposter Syndrome

It’s the worst feeling in the world thinking that we are not really capable or talented or intelligent. Even though we may be successful in our professions and colleagues or clients may be thrilled with our performance, we don’t believe it. Instead of acknowledging...

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Technical Skills Got You Here But They Won’t Get You There

Technical Skills Got You Here But They Won’t Get You There

Many of us are familiar with this career scenario. We work hard to learn and master every technical part of our job in order to be recommended for the next promotion. We receive praise for the value we added to a project where we were able to utilize every bit of...

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Why Leading With Kindheartedness Makes Sense

Why Leading With Kindheartedness Makes Sense

I have seen all shapes and types of leaders in my workshops. There is never a program I present that I don’t learn something new from a participant. But of all the qualities that contribute to strong and impactful leadership, the one that stands out and makes the...

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