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While Your Dream Job Is Still Evolving
Let’s face it; many of us are continually in search for that perfect job or career. We aren’t totally unhappy where we are now, but we also aren’t feeling completely fulfilled in our professional choices. We listen enviously as some of our colleagues and friends share...
Six Benefits of Making Relationships A Priority
Working with a senior leadership team this week was an eye opening experience. Although the organization is fairly technical in nature and usually focuses on end results, we began an important discussion on how to create stronger work connections. It seemed that...
Five Truths About Leading Your Way
Although I have been a leadership trainer and consultant for many years, I never wanted to be a leadership blogger. It’s not that I don’t enjoy writing, but rather I was uncertain about adding a blog to my weekly commitments. I feared that if I was unable to keep my...
Seven Choices To Compassionate Leadership
It’s easy to give up on team members or colleagues when they don’t meet our expectations. When co-workers don’t pull through in the way we thought they would or should, we often become angry or feel let down. We even may become defensive and be ready to go on the...