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Four Techniques To Overcome The Leadership Blues
For some leaders this is a challenging time of year with snowstorms and cold temperatures. Daylight hours are shorter which may cause us to feel a little down or even less ambitious. I know there is a psychological condition for individuals who suffer severely with...
Six Kick-Ass Leadership Moves For 2018
The New Year is here and that means it is time for leaders to cross over to a new beginning with a hop in their step. The evaluation of the good, the bad and the ugly of the past year is now behind us and the worst thing we can do is keep our feet stuck in “what was”....
Six Reasons Holidays Help Rejuvenate Leaders
As we prepare for the holiday season and the New Year it can feel stressful and overwhelming. It doesn’t matter what holidays we celebrate as we all experience the bustle of getting ready and the anticipation of what our gatherings may bring. Did I miss anyone on my...
Five Year-End Questions For Leaders To Take Stock
It’s that time of year when leaders from around the globe look at their calendars and realize the end of a hard-fought, sometimes exciting, sometimes scary year is quickly approaching. We may want to stick our heads in the sand and pretend we have more time to...