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Five Super Bowl Strategies For Work Teams
We are ready for the biggest annual football game in the United States- the Super Bowl. Food and drinks of all crazy varieties will be served and people will gather to cheer for their favorite team. Everyone seems to have special gear to wear like tee shirts and hats...
Six Reasons Why Leaders Need Feedback
The truth about feedback is that it is a powerful gift. Whether we are a senior leader or an emerging leader, feedback provides us with critical information to become a stronger leader. Without feedback we would have a harder time fine tuning our leadership strategy....
Do Leaders Need To Be Strong Team Players?
In a recent leadership workshop comprised of senior leaders of a firm there was so much discussion about the challenges of their team. As with so many other companies, this organization put more focus on taking care of their external clients rather than taking care of...
Five Roads To Authentic Leadership
It can sometimes be difficult assessing whether a leader is being totally real with us. The words coming out of their mouth might sound like they know what they are talking about and their tone seems authoritative. Yet there is something about them that doesn’t add...