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Five Leadership Empowerment Strategies

Five Leadership Empowerment Strategies

Although we may want to, we can’t control everything in our workplaces or personal lives. Take for instance this terrible Nor’easter that my community has faced for the past few days. Many of us lost power and couldn’t drive down the streets as they were covered in...

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How To Be Taken Seriously With No Formal Title

How To Be Taken Seriously With No Formal Title

In a problem-solving workshop this past week leaders spent a great deal of time working on some of the critical challenges they were facing in their workplaces. At first there was a great deal of frustration and anger in describing the leaders’ crises. It was clear...

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Six Secrets To A Culture of Connectivity

Six Secrets To A Culture of Connectivity

I’ve been working with several teams this past six months that are having a tough time coming together in a unified way. It’s not that team members are purposefully going in different directions but rather there is a missing strand of connectivity. There is also an...

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Six Leadership Survival Techniques When Change Hits

Six Leadership Survival Techniques When Change Hits

The merger took hold and all the departments across four offices became one unit. Leaders of all ranks folded together to create a brand new firm. Disbelief and shock began to trickle down as the employees digested what had just happened to them. The mood was one of...

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