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Six Leadership Traps To Avoid Disaster
The past few weeks we had a groundhog set up shop beneath our front porch. He dug some deep holes to create a path under the porch and seemed to be constantly escaping our view. Then the critter decided to eat our wire that connects to an outside pole lamp. And that...
Five Strategies To Grow Curiosity In Leaders
When we think about curiosity many of us revert back to our childhood. We are reminded of the freedom to discover new characters in books or find different approaches to attacking a math problem or fun ways to cause an explosion during a science experiment. We may...
Six Faces Of Your Leadership Brand
Last week I spent time in a desert town and met many different types of people and leaders. Each connection made a big impact on how I eventually interacted with each of these individuals. Some of the leaders were efficient but lacked emotion while other leaders spent...
How To Lead When Your Boss’s Boss Is Bossy
Many leaders have faced the scenario where they are managing up to help their boss survive. And I do mean survive. Their immediate boss may feel “put-upon” and undervalued by their senior leader and as a result implodes consistently. This was what was happening to...