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Five Stupendous Coaching Tactics For Leaders

Five Stupendous Coaching Tactics For Leaders

Gone are the days when an annual review is substantial feedback for leaders. It is no longer acceptable for organizations to reach out at the end of a yearly cycle and dump some crazy performance review on team members. In every leadership workshop I conduct, the...

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What Does Loyalty Mean To Young Leaders?

What Does Loyalty Mean To Young Leaders?

Many organizations today are desperately trying to hold on to their most gifted talent. What companies are finding is that it is one thing to recruit the strongest new talent and quite another thing to retain them and keep them highly engaged. Especially in the...

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Is It Time To Redefine Your Leadership Story?

Is It Time To Redefine Your Leadership Story?

Our leadership story is the most powerful tool leaders have to help them describe the path they chose and what went into formulating their critical career decisions. Our stories showcase the skills and knowledge we gained as we explored and learned from different jobs...

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Five Shifts To Authentic Leadership

Five Shifts To Authentic Leadership

In a recent coaching session a deep discussion ensued about what it means to show our “true self”. We explored why it sometimes seems easier to just become the team’s image of who they think we are. After all, is it necessary to reveal our “real side” if it may upset...

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