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Is There Really Such A Thing As “Dress For Success”?

Is There Really Such A Thing As “Dress For Success”?

My younger daughter was a drama queen. Wherever she went as a kid, she would choose her clothes to reflect who she wanted to be. From a young age she knew how she wanted the world to see her. Even if the event she was attending was very basic and she knew her friends...

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Six Leadership Game Plans To Overpower Fear

Six Leadership Game Plans To Overpower Fear

Fear is one of those feelings that most leaders try to work around or at least keep it at bay. Yet when working with leaders of all levels, we often discuss the many situations that cause leaders to be concerned and even frightened. Yes even seasoned leaders who have...

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Five Crazy Places To Find A Mentor

Five Crazy Places To Find A Mentor

There has been a great deal of discussion on my recent blogs about different leaders’ experiences with mentoring partnerships. Mentors have impacted many of our careers in such important ways and hopefully we are all sharing our stories with team members and...

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Six Actions Leaders Take When They Lose Their Footing

Six Actions Leaders Take When They Lose Their Footing

It happens to all of us during our careers. We go with the flow and even face our scariest projects and colleagues with courage and determination. We convince ourselves nothing will stop our trajectory, no matter how many roadblocks are put in our way. We choose to...

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