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Five Team Player Shifts To Win

Five Team Player Shifts To Win

For many leaders our work lives revolve around being part of a team or even several teams. The thing is that all teams are not equal and that means we need to lead differently depending on the team make-up. I have worked with teams where there are many outspoken...

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Four Foolproof Ways Leaders Build Relationships

Four Foolproof Ways Leaders Build Relationships

What would you say is the linchpin of influential leadership? Sure there are many important skills that go into successful leadership such as powerful communication and laser-focused execution. Yet there is one overriding element that can lead to a leader’s impact or...

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Five Critical Lifelines For Leaders

Five Critical Lifelines For Leaders

Sometimes leaders don’t even notice they are falling down a deep hole until they hit rock bottom. It can be a slow descent where project deadlines keep getting pushed out or we are constantly having frustrating interactions with team members or even our boss. Our...

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The Difference In Leadership Success-Soft Skills

The Difference In Leadership Success-Soft Skills

Survey after survey today asks leaders from all backgrounds what makes one leader more impactful than another. Although responses often state that technical expertise is essential, the big differentiating factor that sets apart strong leadership are the soft skills....

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