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Are Meetings Getting In The Way Of Leading?
With a show of hands, how many of you are on overload with meetings? Meetings seem to be the new way of working in many organizations except they can also be one of the biggest time wasters.
Never Be Afraid To Lead With Your True Self
Whatever our natural style or approach, when we use it in our professional worlds we will always be moving in the right direction. When we can share our true self with our team members we will be our strongest and most productive.
Six Advantages of Leading With Our Gifts
What if instead we flipped that concept and focused more on recognizing our unique strengths and talents? Realizing that each of us has areas we excel may be a more beneficial route to take in reaching our goals and dreams. Locating and using those gifts may actually propel our leadership in the direction we are meant to grow.
Leadership And Kindness-Two Peas In A Pod
In a recent leadership program a discussion emerged about why there is so much frustration between team members. People felt that they were being taken for granted and not appreciated for their contributions. There needed to be a better way to interact and work towards the organization’s mission. What was missing was a huge dose of kindness.