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Four Leadership Pivots To Prevent Passive-Aggressive Communication
Throughout their workday leaders typically bounce in and out of unplanned challenges. Some of us are more able to roll with the missed deadlines or customer demands while others just become overly frustrated. When these imperfect scenarios erupt we need to be able to share our thoughts clearly and calmly. We need to communicate our needs clearly and respectfully.
Six Reasons Why Knowing Your Work Style Matters
During some coaching sessions this week with highly ambitious and dedicated leaders it became clear that they were all facing a similar challenge. Although they were executing the technical parts of their jobs with clarity and precision, they were falling short in leading themselves and their teams. They were unaware of their work styles.
Five September Goals For Leaders
September is here and for many leaders it feels like a new beginning with new dreams and goals. It is a hopeful time of the year that is similar to January when we express our New Year’s resolutions.
Five Trust Building Strategies For Leaders
Why is trust so out of reach for some teams or organizations? One reason is that it means different things to each of us.