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Are You Leading With Curiosity Or Control?

Are You Leading With Curiosity Or Control?

While recently coaching a frustrated leader, I began to wonder what was clogging up their leadership path forward. They seemed to be so strong with their technical skills and really could execute their deliverables with precision. Yet, they were struggling with...

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What Are Your Top Three Leadership Strengths?

What Are Your Top Three Leadership Strengths?

As I ask this question, I’m wondering how many leaders are trying to wrap their heads around this. Are you one of these leaders? If someone were to pose this to you, could you rattle off your top three strengths? For some leaders it may seem quite simple to share...

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Five Beliefs That Can Trip Leaders Up

Five Beliefs That Can Trip Leaders Up

Being a leader may sound enticing and it really can be very fulfilling. Yet sometimes leaders fall prey to their own internal thinking that can hijack their best efforts. These limiting self-beliefs can seem to pop-up every so often in our careers, surprising even the most experienced leader.

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