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Are You In Need Of Tweaking Your Job?
Career transitions for leaders can sometimes involve tweaking job responsibilities rather than changing to an entirely new role. Are you feeling frustrated with your current position but not sure how to propel forward? Try these five strategies to make a move.
Five Benefits To Slowing Down Your Leadership
Leaders always seem to be in a rush. They are often working against tight deadlines with internal and external customers breathing down their backs. Is it always critical to hit the final decision or deliverable at lightning speed? There are great benefits to slowing down.
Look In The Mirror Leaders And What Do You See?
Some of my most favorite powerful questions to ask leaders when they come for a coaching session are- “When you look in the mirror what do you see?” “What type of leader are you longing to be?” “What is getting in the way?” Ready to become the leader you are longing to be?
Don’t Be Afraid To Lead With Your Authentic Self
To be a strong and influential leader we need to be authentic. Authenticity begins with using our core values to reach decisions and take action.