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Five Ways To Navigate An Imperfect Workplace
Many leaders find at different times that their work worlds are like an unbalanced seesaw. On one end of the seesaw there is often too many demands being placed on a leader so that the other end can’t possibly pull it down to balance it out. Here are five ways to navigate an imperfect workplace.
Understanding The People Piece Of Change
Throughout the years helping all size teams as well as individual leaders face a constant level of change has taught me many lessons about change strategies. Probably the most key takeaway when confronting change is that it is not the actual change that matters but rather people’s reaction to change.
Appreciation, Gratitude And Leadership
Does your team or organization do a good job in displaying appreciation? Would the people you work with give the company high marks for being grateful? With Thanksgiving arriving this week in the U.S. it is an ideal time to think about ways of bringing appreciation and gratitude to our work worlds.
Six Leadership Decision-Making Dilemmas
Decision-making is an every day occurrence for all leaders. They are constantly being asked to evaluate one choice against another often without all the facts or information. Navigating through a very ambiguous set of circumstances is the way of the modern workplace.