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Six Growth Mindset Techniques For Leaders

Six Growth Mindset Techniques For Leaders

Although it may not be so simple to project what the world of work will look like in six months or one year from now, we still need to lead in a purposeful way. Psychologically that means thinking differently about our jobs and daily work. Continuing on the same path as we were before the pandemic may not serve us well and even cause us to lose some ground. Leaders need to shake things up and develop a growth mindset.

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Five Ways For Leaders To Turn Lemons Into Lemonade During The Pandemic

Five Ways For Leaders To Turn Lemons Into Lemonade During The Pandemic

Leading during this time can be very discouraging when projects can take longer to complete, and team members are juggling their personal and professional lives daily. This is the perfect time to redesign your team or organization direction forward. Knowing our purpose and why we want to move down a certain road is important to clarify with all the uncertainty around us.

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Six Ways To Lead An Upset Customer Turnaround

Six Ways To Lead An Upset Customer Turnaround

Our customers, whether internal or external are our lifeline. We depend upon them to keep our businesses and projects alive and high functioning. They are precious to us and leaders must treat them with respect and dignity. The kicker is that sometimes our customers...

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The First Thing To Do When Leading A New Team

The First Thing To Do When Leading A New Team

Working in teams is the way our workplaces perform their best. Even during this time when many leaders are working remotely, teams still dominate our profit and not-for-profit workspaces. Some of us may be moving between teams while others are part of forming new...

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