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A Credible Leader Follows These Four Principles
“How do I become a credible leader, that my team members and boss will listen to?” is a question I am often asked when working with leaders. To be influential, leaders first need to establish a high level of credibility in the workplace.
Five Behaviors That Create Leadership Transparency
An organization I am working with is having challenges with stakeholders feeling that there is a lack of transparency. There is anger and confusion about information or a lack of information being shared. The result is a community of outspoken individuals who are venting about everything. Here are 5 ways to become a transparent leader.
Four Leadership Lessons Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Taught Us
What kept RBG so focused and able to lead through challenges that many were unable? Why did she feel empowered to keep fighting when others gave up or settled for far less? How was she able to work with justices that had different views from her own?
Five Team Building Go-To Actions
What does it look like to begin a new team? How can a new team begin its journey to ensure members will be highly connected at the same time of turning out the highest level of deliverables?