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Are You On Track With Your Year-End Leadership Goals?
Have you checked the calendar lately? There is an old adage that once Halloween arrives, Thanksgiving, the holidays and New Years is just around the corner. No need to panic but just a good opportunity to reflect. It’s time to begin looking at how close we have come...
Six Winning Feedback Strategies That Will Be A True Gift
We have all heard about the importance of feedback and how critical it is in shaping our jobs and careers. Yet some leaders are reluctant to either ask for feedback for fear of hearing some advice that will upset them or give feedback that may throw a colleague into a...
Five Commitments For Developing A Leadership Pipeline
In many of our organizations, leaders are noticing that there is a revolving door syndrome taking place. There has been a great deal of talk of “The Great Resignation” or a “Resignation Exodus” occurring across all industries as well as all levels of experience. What if instead of being overwhelmed with filling positions, organizations turned their focus to developing their leadership pipeline? Why not swap out a “frightened bear search” mentality for a “what does our internal talent look like” tactic?
Six Leadership Steps When Feeling Blindsided
When a leader feels caught off guard it can feel very unsettling. They can even feel as if they are being attacked. What our emotions may be telling us to do in these situations can often elevate the temperature inappropriately. Our brains have to kick in and take control, even if we feel unbalanced.