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Five Powerful Actions When Leaders Feel Stuck In A Ditch
Many leaders are often unprepared when their team or organization decide to pursue a new direction, or their boss resigns. It seems as if they are moving along in a purposeful way, performing at a high level and then, bam, the landscape changes. Do you feel stuck with an unexpected change?
Five Leadership Benefits Of Showing Up In The Office
It seems like every work-related conversation reverts back to where leaders should physically reside to perform their daily projects. How can returning to the office relaunch our career?
September Is The Time To Write Your 2022 Leadership Story
Now is the time for leaders to write their final 2022 leadership story. Whether we anchor our leadership direction to the beginning of September or the 22nd (the actual date of the equinox), now is the time to start your plan.
Let Out Your Leadership Gifts
When we lead by playing to our strengths rather than focusing on our blind spots, we feel empowered and worthy. In addition, studies have shown that by spending our energy on cultivating our more natural talents we will end up with more satisfaction and higher performance in our careers.