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Leading With “I want to apologize”

Leading With “I want to apologize”

At one time or another, probably several times a week, leaders find themselves sitting with emails, texts and face-to-face conversations that they wished they could redo. Wish you could push the unsend button? If not, what should you do?

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A Leadership Gratitude Challenge

A Leadership Gratitude Challenge

As we embark on this season of gratitude, leaders might want to adjust their “to do” list and add gratitude to the top. An empowering move for leaders to demonstrate the magic of gratitude, is to offer to share their strengths and talents with team members, bosses and everyone they encounter in the workplace.

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Five Leadership Pivots To Blend Different Work Styles

Five Leadership Pivots To Blend Different Work Styles

Leaders are human beings with unique sets of skills and talents. They also have their own work styles which at times can cause friction with others who may have different work styles. To face these differences, there needs to be some important pivots.

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