
When we were little children, we learned methods to remind us how to spell certain words and how to remember different grammatical rules.  One of my favorite rhymes involved the word, “good”. I even can recite the way it went: 

“Good, better best

Never let it rest

Until your good is better

And your better best”


It may seem at face value to be just a group of words to memorize, but I actually think this rhyme is a great lesson and mantra for leaders. What does it mean to be a good leader or a better leader or a best leader? 

Good Leaders Are Present

There are many good leaders out there in organizations as well in our everyday lives. They are focused and create a welcoming and safe environment. They are approachable and seem to really care about their vision and mission. They are knowledgeable and lead the way with substantial goals and direction. 

Better Leaders Are Involved

I have met better leaders throughout my work and volunteer life.  They are not only focused on the journey they need to take, but also are able to get in the trenches and get their hands dirty. They know that stepping up is an important part of leading and aren’t afraid to take on the challenges. These leaders thrive on learning about the issues and really problem solve creatively with the team members.

 Best Leaders Build Relationships

Then there are those leaders who realize that the greatest way to lead is by connecting to people and building authentic relationships. These are the best leaders, as they understand the meaning of open and trusting relationships. Their priority is empowering others to leverage their talents and abilities because high performing team members create high performing teams. They spend time getting to know what makes people tick and what they truly care about.

Do you aspire to being a best leader? Some of these steps might just get you there:

 1.    Arrange a coffee or lunch with each team member to get better acquainted.

2.    Share your stories about challenges you have endured.

3.    Learn what talents people have that are presently untapped.

4.   Encourage idea sharing and give credit for peoples’ contributions.

5.    Be an advocate for others by helping them make connections.

6.    Model gratitude by expressing appreciation daily to everyone around you.

[Tweet “When we invest in people, we are investing in our leadership.”] 

How have you created your best leadership?


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