
In the United States we celebrate our independence on July 4th. Being independent can mean many things depending on your leadership perspective. It can mean following through on your most passionate dream or making a decision that works for you only. It could call on your need to spend some alone time to regroup or attend a program that has a topic fascinating just to you.

Whatever independence means to you, one thing is for sure- an independent leader is an authentic leader.

At the gym facility where I work- out several mornings a week, there is a woman who greets us who is truly is an independent leader. To mark the July 4th celebration she wore a blue and red crown that shouted- Happy Independence Day to all! She always has a smile on her face and asks us how our workouts are going. She cares. She feels. She connects. She does this all by sharing her authentic self. There is no doubt that she is an independent thinker too as she shares her vulnerable stories with all of us.

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To be an independent and authentic leader we need to:


When we lead authentically, we are compassionate towards others. If someone on our team is facing a difficult time in either their professional or personal life, we let them know we are available to help. We may not know all the answers, but we let them know we care.


Sometimes members of the gym forget their ID cards and feel embarrassed. The greeter at the desk discreetly looks up the member’s account numbers without making anyone feel uncomfortable or uneasy. She will say to the member: “Everyone forgets their cards sometimes. Don’t worry. Have a great workout!” Things don’t always go as planned in our work worlds and the more flexible we can be, the stronger relationships we will build and the faster we will reach our goals.


Authentic leaders strive to help others find their unique gifts and talents.

  • They ask others about their passions and interests
  • They observe each person’s contributions
  • They include team members on brainstorming, valuing their input
  • They help others see their worth


Recently the greeter told me about her dream to move to North Carolina. She was so excited about exploring a different part of the country with her family and was beginning the journey next week. By her sharing a personal part of herself, I felt a deeper connection. Authentic and independent leaders are able to open up about themselves to give others a look inside.

[Tweet “Authentic leaders open up and let other people in.”]


When we are independent and have confidence, we are able to be happy when our team members or colleagues have success. We can share the accomplishments of others with enthusiasm and respect. We all need a fan club and we all need to be cheerleaders for the most important people we see each day. Don’t forget to tell others how proud you are of what they have achieved.


Listening is the best way to learn about why people make certain choices or decisions. We can show our co-workers and customers we care about them by:

  • Listening with focused eye contact
  • Listening by asking questions about their choices
  • Listening without interrupting
  • Listening by not jumping to conclusions or making assumptions


A sure way to be an authentic leader is to follow through on what you say you will do. If we tell someone we will call them back, make sure to place that call in a timely way. If we owe a team member our piece of the project by the end of the week, make sure to deliver. If we say to someone, “Let’s talk about your concerns over lunch this week”, do not forget to meet them for lunch. Be there. Be dependable. Be reliable.

How have you been an independent and authentic leader?

 Happy July 4th!!

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