pic for teachers and leaders

My undergraduate degree was in English and Secondary Education but the teaching market imploded when I was ready to start my career. I learned so much from my education mentors, especially during my student teaching phase. Most of all, I gained a sense of who I was and what my unique strengths were in the classroom, particularly while I engaged the students. I understood that to connect with the kids in a meaningful way, I needed to be confident and at the same time be respectful of all the different opinions being offered. Those crucial lessons would stay with me and empower me to lead in my profession today in a business environment. Because our teachers are the first role models for many of us, they must be strong leaders with exemplary leadership skills and here’s why.

Teachers Instill In Us Respect For Others

For many of us, our teachers in grade school taught us to listen to the other children in the classroom. They showed us that if we just give others a chance we will learn so much from them. Everybody is worthy of respect and that means not putting others down and giving them their fair time to share their perspectives.

Teachers Help Us To Understand Ourselves

It never dawned on me that being a capable facilitator was an important skill in any profession. During my student teaching experience, my mentor teacher helped me see how natural teaching and interacting with students was for me. It was the first time I even thought about my intuitive styles and strengths.

[Tweet “Teachers lead when they help students discover their gifts.”]

What strength has a teacher helped you to see?

Teachers Open Our Minds And Hearts

Many of us had the opportunity to learn something new, perhaps even beyond our frame of reference from a teacher. When teachers expand our thinking, we grow and try new things. Teachers who are able to share the significance of having empathy towards others empower us to lead in both our professional and personal lives.

Teachers Demonstrate How To Communicate

A skilled teacher leads when they model how to speak and listen in their classroom. They do this by:

  • Asking great questions that don’t just require a yes or no answer
  • Gently reaching out to someone who has trouble speaking up or is a bit introverted
  • Encouraging clear, open and direct language
  • Rewarding sharing of ideas and suggestions
  • Creating a safe environment to speak personally and authentically

[Tweet “Teachers lead when they model clear and open communication.”]

Teachers Encourage Risk Taking

One of the greatest lessons teachers can empower in us is to make mistakes and face failure. It is only when we learn to bounce back from a fall or admit to a misstep, that we can see risk and imperfection as part of our everyday routines. These mistakes are what ultimately can lead to extraordinary innovation. We take the problem solving skills we learn in school to our careers and if we were taught to stretch and take risks, we will be capable leaders and thinkers.

How have the teachers in your life helped you in your leadership today?


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