pic for leadership HD

Television sets didn’t always broadcast an HD picture. For years we watched our TV programs in digital or analog format, content, not knowing there was any other way to view them. We accepted the bland broadcast until we got wind of HD quality pictures. Then everything changed and we no longer were willing to have TV’s that weren’t technologically up to speed. We now expect our TV viewing to be ultra clear and vibrant, picking up imperfections and flaws. We want to feel like we are right inside the picture.

Well leadership is no different. We use to tolerate a very different model of leading that involved command and control and secrecy. Leaders often made all the decisions, relying little on their team’s input. Leadership was flat and lonely, uncaring of how team members viewed the vision or mission. We are now in a dynamic stage of leadership where each of us can lead from wherever we are. Titles and positions are far less important than what we choose to do to make a difference.

Here are four strategies to kick into Leadership HD:


To lead and be influential, we need to communicate our vision and goals in a clear way.

  • Explain your objectives with user-friendly language
  • Give examples of the vision in action, so people can relate to it in a personal way
  • Show your thought process in choosing a particular path
  • Use different modalities to share your ideas: visual, auditory and kinesthetic


To be a strong leader, one needs to be a strategic listener. What that means is clearing your mind and opening it up to new ideas and suggestions. Toss aside the past and welcome in new possibilities. Brainstorm with the team, avoiding judgmental comments or elimination of wild ideas. Tell people how much you value their input and perspective and then integrate the suggestions into the final plan.

[Tweet “When leaders are open to new possibilities, they kick their leadership into HD.”]



For people to connect with us we need to be interesting and engaging. We can do this by being enthusiastic about our choices. If you have a challenging goal and want to sell it, it’s important you do it in an energetic and exciting way. Think HD TV! Make your mission come alive by helping people experience where you are headed and why. Use visuals and sounds. Ask people to become ambassadors for the new launch.

[Tweet “To sell our ideas, leaders need to be engaging and dynamic.”]


Just like HD TV reveals all the imperfections on people’s faces and bodies, leaders need to reveal their insides. When leaders share their truths, they become authentic and human.

  • Through powerful storytelling, share your mess-ups
  • Be open about your fears of leading, especially not knowing whether others will come onboard
  • Ask about concerns people may be feeling and take time to validate and address them
  • Follow through on the suggestions offered to show how much you value them

How have you kicked your leadership into HD mode?

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