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Being a leader isn’t always smooth sailing because we tend to hit bumps and roadblocks more often than not. Sometimes we just get tired of our workspaces or lose interest in the projects we are working on. Although we may have a supportive team with people who we care about deeply, we yearn for some new faces and perspectives to add to the mix. With the New Year almost upon us, here are a few ways to take control and spice up our leadership:


Look around at the amazing people you connect with at work, online, in your town, on the phone or in a volunteer project. Do you want to forge a deeper connection with a particular person and learn more about what is meaningful to them? When we open ourselves up to new conversations and areas we never knew much about, we begin to enrich our leadership. Think about some of these questions to ask them:

  • How do you feel about the project we are working on together?
  • What obstacles almost derailed you and how did you overcome them?
  • In what ways do your personal and professional lives intersect?
  • Do you prefer to work individually or on a team?


Lifelong learning has always been my motto as it empowers me to keep up with new and classic trends in addition to ever-changing technology. To make this happen, it is essential for leaders to pursue not just informal but formal types of coursework. There are great webinars out there that don’t require much time while yielding great benefits. Think about areas in your professional life that need updating. Are there certifications you could attain that would liven up your work?

[Tweet “Leaders make lifelong learning a priority.”]


Interacting with groups online or face- to- face can be the secret sauce in getting our leadership moving. There are so many exciting communities on Google+, Facebook and LinkedIn to name a few. The knowledge you can gain and the leaders you can meet is beyond measure. Don’t be afraid join a Tweet Chat as most of them are super friendly and welcoming. Volunteer in your community and connect with locals who may have similar interests with you.

[Tweet “Meaningful volunteer work can feel like play for leaders.”]


When presenting a Leadership Program this year, the managers realized that sometimes just asking to be part of a different aspect of a project can be invigorating. There is something to be said for cross training on all teams because it allows each member to not only learn new skills but also obtain a new perspective from another’s point of view.

  • Speak up and ask for more challenging responsibilities to round out your current work
  • Interview a different department head or co-worker about what they contribute to the project
  • Ask to try out skills and strengths you haven’t used in your next assignment


Locating a magical person who can help you navigate your career is priceless and critical. As we grow and evolve into the leaders we want to be, it is so helpful to partner with someone who can give you honest feedback as well as suggestions to think about. Whether it be an advocate at work, an accountability buddy or a colleague, be open to finding someone to learn from and grow with. Our mentors don’t necessarily have to be in the same field as we are. They just need to care about us and our success.

How will you spice up your leadership as the New Year begins?


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