Pic for Leading Through Noise and Overload

Summer should be a more relaxing period, where we take the time to come up for air and maybe even float a bit on the surface of the water. As a kid I longed for summer to disconnect from my yearlong routines and just take some time to regroup and have some fun. This summer has been anything but that; it has turned into a very busy schedule with little free time. There is so much going on with so many projects and deadlines as well as an abundance of information to constantly process.

What kind of summer are you having? Are you trying to lead through mounds of documentation and information flow? Are you being asked to maintain an unrealistic (or at least fairly insane) pace with no breaks? Have your days turned into putting out one fire after another? Is the noise and information overload gotten the best of you? Here are some ways I try to lead during these turbulent times:


Being a person who doesn’t give up easily can be challenging for even the strongest leader. Each of us needs to be honest with what is happening in both our work and personal worlds. We need to look for some of the overload signs:

  • Your body is breaking down with aches, pains and exhaustion.
  • You become “snappy” with your responses and your team or the people in your life walk away from you with confusion.
  • Your concentration level dwindles down to short spurts of focus.
  • If one more request comes across your desk you will scream.

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Sometimes we just need to step back from our worlds and set aside a block of time away from our routines. What oftentimes works for me is to plan an adventure and go somewhere to escape. It doesn’t have to be far or complicated. Try a park, a beach or a museum. Just take at least one or two days to breathe again and think about something other than work. You will not regret the change and distraction.


After having time to rejuvenate, it is now time to focus on how you may want to change up your responsibilities and assignments. Do you need to delegate some of your tasks to make room for more important projects? Is there someone you could talk to and strategize a more efficient workflow? Maybe you are spending too much time on a particular undertaking that needs to be moved off your desk or simplified. Get help or a new perspective to make some of these decisions.


Throughout the year, not just summer, we need to take stock in what is working for us and what needs to be adjusted. We need to be tuned into ourselves and read all the signs of overload and too much noise. If we don’t honor the way we are actually feeling, the loud noise may turn deafening and our workload may topple our careers.

How do you lead when the noise gets too loud? What steps have empowered you to overcome an insurmountable workload?


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