A few weeks ago I attended a conference of mostly accountants from all across North America. It was fascinating to meet such focused individuals who also have a streak of creativity running through them. They were all leaders in their firms of varying sizes, possessing outstanding entrepreneurial skills, as well as technical know-how. They had all gathered to network and pick up some leadership skills though presentations and small interactions. One of the speakers, Mac Fuller, spoke about how our faces show how we lead our lives. Additionally, I will add, that our faces can reveal what type of leaders we are. Here are just a few example of what our faces say about the way we lead.

Round Face:  A round face with a full forehead indicates that a person typically problem solves in a creative way. A leader with a round face probably prefers not to be told how to approach a situation, but would rather work out the solution on their own, using their trusted resources. Leaders with this facial characteristic shy away from tight procedures and methods, and often will create their own systems.

 Forehead Slopes Back: This shape face is indicative of a good memory as well as strong mental capacity. Leaders with this shape face utilize trusted processes and procedures to find quick solutions. Remembering what you have learned comes easily.

 Straight Foreheads:  Leaders with this facial characteristic are usually methodical in their approach. They want to gather all the facts before making a decision. Don’t pressure them to decide quickly or they may become overwhelmed.

 Large Ears (in relation to head):  Leaders with large ears believe it or not, tend to be excellent listeners. They are always eager to hear what their team members have to say and value the input. This facial element also can indicate kindness and willingness to include others in decision making.

Small Ears (in relation to head): Leaders with small ears tend to trust more in themselves and are less open to what team members might have to say. This facial characteristic often indicates that you process information best when you can actually see it.

 Our faces can tell others many things about us and we can understand others better if we can read their faces. So leaders, if team members have some of these facial features, you may gain some insight as to how they are processing information and how they make decisions. Some of these insights may just help you understand your leadership style and how to work more successfully with others.

 Have you noticed any of these facial characteristics?  

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