In working with many organizations, I have come to realize that a leader cannot be effective without establishing a connection to their team members. All the ideas and vision in the world will not be welcomed or implemented if the team feels no rapport with their leader. The challenge for a leader is to understand how each of the team members processes information and receives the message. Not always an easy task when there are so many different personalities and generations on a team.

When sharing new organizational or team goals, it might be helpful to think about the best method to present the information.

  • Should I gather the entire team together to discuss the direction?
  • Should I meet individually with each team member?
  • Should I send out an e-mail detailing the new goals?

With any of these choices the most important message to get across is that you are being open, transparent and clear. If a team feels that the leader can be trusted with delivering accurate information, that will go a far way to begin the acceptance of a new direction.

Next comes the important task of creating a dialogue with the individuals on the team. Are you a leader that is willing to really listen to the comments and suggestions voiced by the team? For some, this new direction may seem like “old hat”, having experienced similar goals in the past. For others, this change may be overwhelming and difficult to grasp. Here are some questions to ask to establish strong rapport with different work styles :

1.   Does the person need a lot of direction and detail in understanding the vision?

2.   Does the individual think more creatively and needs to understand the big picture?

3.   Does the message need to involve lots of facts and exact methods to implement it?

4.   Does the person need to hear that you are going to work closely with them to achieve the goal?

To establish the best work relationships between a leader and their team members and to be most effective, it is key to figure out what style fits each person. Understanding the most successful way to connect with someone can make the difference between a successful and an ineffective launch of a new idea. Take the time to really know who is on your team!

Do you have any other suggestions of how a leader can share their dreams with their team?

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